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Positive Psychology at Work

Simply put, Positive Psychology’s direct application to our work or life’s purpose is to foster an increase in happiness and satisfaction. When we feel great at work (or in our creative ventures, or whatever it is that is our life’s purpose), we are motivated, feel secure, and feel confident that we are living up to our highest potential. Consider everything we’ve learned thus far, and plop it on your desk for a little work/life balance goodness.

But you know it’s never that simple here, don’t you?

Because we want to identify specific ways we can implement a theory, here at Reframe. So let’s sit down and consider how we might be able to incorporate the theories of Positive Psychology we’ve learned thus far, into the workplace.

Cultivating a Culture of Gratitude

Whether you’re the CEO or an entry-level employee, each of us has the agency to throw a little gratitude into our work life. If you lead others, consider making space for team high fives or shout outs before starting a meeting. If you’re solo-Joe, perhaps start the first 5 minutes of your workday writing a quick list of all of the things you’re thankful for in your job. Be specific as possible! Even if this feels difficult at first, with practice, you’ll become more adept at identifying these gratitudes


Collaboration and human connection is a powerful piece of Positive Psychology. How can you increase the collaboration on your team? Can you think of innovative new ways to work with your coworkers or employees? Can you create pacing partners within the company? If you’re self-employed, can you set up shop at a coworking space or a coffee shop and connect with solo-preneurs? Could you set up an after-hours book club with that work friend?

Positive Psychology at Work
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