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Building Resilient Relationships

3. Decisiveness: much like decisiveness cultivates resilience in our own self, decisiveness within relationships helps build a sense of certainty and steadiness. This also might look like decisiveness in ending an unhealthy relationship, building our own self-efficacy and confidence that we know what we do and do not want in a relationship (romantic or otherwise)

4. Tenacity: sticking together even when things get tough, especially when things get tough. Showing up in the messy middle, being there in the valleys, celebrating each other at the peaks

5. Self-control: by practicing impulse control, we allow for rational decision making within the relationship. We avoid jumping to conclusions, taking actions that might hurt the other person, and speaking without thinking.

6. Open and honest communication: difficult conversations are important, and the ability to navigate these adeptly is a marker of a resilient relationship. Avoiding the conversation suggests lack of safety or mutual respect within a relationship.

7. Presence of mind: this gives us space for collaboration, understanding the humanity of the other person, and the presence to enjoy the moment.

Today, consider the relationships in your life. Which ones have displayed real markers of resilience, showing up for you time and time again? What makes those relationships unique, and how can you bring this information into other relationships in your life?

Everly, Jr., G.S. (2018, April 24). 7 Characteristics of Resilient Relationships. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

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